Livable Cities: The Cross-Sector Role in Building a Low-Emissions Future
Gina McCarthy Cassie Sutherland Dara Khosrowshahi Meera Joshi
Monday, September 23, 2024
11:10 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)

With UN estimates that cities are responsible for 75 percent of global CO2 emissions, our urban centers are a critical piece in tackling climate change if we are to meet the mounting social and environmental demand while accommodating a growing population. Transformative and innovative approaches to how cities are built, managed, and develop will require collaboration across the private, third, and public sectors from the city to supranational levels. Transitioning our hospitality and mobility sectors into a low-emissions future notably through the electrification of vehicle fleets, investing in green infrastructure such as waste disposal and energy and charging, and more green spaces, produces benefits for cities such as the creation of green jobs, improved quality of life and health outcomes, and less inequality among citizens. What is the role of the business sector in transforming urban development to a low-emissions future? How can cities leverage expertise and resources to cut emissions while delivering key infrastructure services? What will the future of global living look like?

Uber is a 2024 Concordia Annual Summit Lead Programming Sponsor.

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East Stage