A Call for Unity
Monday, September 23, 2024
1:30 PM - 1:55 PM (EDT)
In a time of political polarization, unity and bipartisanship are crucial now, more than ever. With the upcoming election, both sides have called for unity, with new goals to unite the country. In order for the United States to progressively move forward politically, bipartisanship is a nonnegotiable. Extreme divisiveness in the media has only furthered the country into a politically divided one, leading to elements of mistrust across the nation. An agreed sense of unity creates a space for productive conversations, meanwhile the absence of unity stifles empathy and understanding. Panel speakers will answer the questions: What historical events in the United States can be used as an example for positive bipartisanship and unity? How can allies across the geopolitical sphere unite to create a more peaceful and prosperous world? What steps will need to be taken in order for that to happen?
Location Name
West Stage