Now is the Time: Last-Mile Challenges to Close the Global Health Equity Gaps for Children
William Weeks Chip Lyons Monica Geingos Daniel Diasio
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
9:30 AM - 9:55 AM (EDT)

As the global community approaches the final sprint of the 2030 Agenda, the remaining challenges are some of the most complex and intangible to resolve. These include ending the AIDS epidemic as a global health crisis for children. Despite progress, a significant lack of advocacy and targeted efforts to address the unique needs facing children, particularly the disparity in treatment between children and adults living with HIV and AIDS. Currently, only half (54%) of children living with HIV are on life-saving treatment, whereas 76% of adults are receiving antiretrovirals. Children also account for 15% of all AIDS-related deaths, even though only 4% of people living with HIV are children. As the global leader in the fight to end AIDS in children, EGPAF’s (Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation) panel will explore how, by using innovative technology and drawing on strategic partnerships with the private sector, the global community can tackle long-fought challenges children face. We will explore the potential of new technologies, such as the rapid developments in AI (Artificial Intelligence), to improve and expand access to quality healthcare for children. Together, we will discuss the ways in which AI can effectively address the barriers to accessing quality healthcare worldwide, the upcoming challenges that arise with the use of this innovation, and speak to the safeguards this advancement will require. By embracing novel approaches that leverage innovative technology and drawing from the private sector's experiences, we must ask ourselves, “how can we strategically join forces to advance a global health agenda in which every child has access to quality healthcare?"

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation is a 2023 Concordia Annual Summit Lead Programming Partner.

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East Stage