Leveraging Technology to Change our Health Behaviors
Sam Stephens Tom Achoki Catalina Garcia John Schellhase
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
11:20 AM - 11:40 AM (EDT)

Digital health applications have the potential to significantly reduce high-risk health behaviors including harmful alcohol consumption and other stigmatized non-communicable and communicable health challenges. It can empower individuals to take control of their health goals and their long-term conditions, reduce pressure on healthcare staff, increase accessibility to knowledge in the context of people's daily life, and even have environmental benefits. At its core, digital health technology requires cooperation across a number of sectors for meaningful impact. This panel will explore cross-sector examples of successful interventions, discuss how the success of these programs is connected to broader societal issues, and demonstrate how this model can be leveraged to address other neglected issues within the SDG agenda. Can digital health interventions mitigate existing health inequalities? What challenges come with implementing new technologies in healthcare? Will technology improve our health behaviors?

The AB InBev Foundation is a 2023 Concordia Annual Summit Lead Programming Partner.

Location Name
East Stage