How AI Can Solve (Not Compound) Access to Justice Challenges
Sean West - Hence Technologies
Alejandro Ponce - The World Justice Project
Darth Vaughn - Ford Motor Company
Alejandro Ponce - The World Justice Project
Darth Vaughn - Ford Motor Company
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
4:25 PM - 4:45 PM (EDT)
Advances in technology have the power to turbocharge the ability of the justice system to deliver fair outcomes to all individuals regardless of wealth or status. AI could dramatically improve access to the legal system through a reduction of cost and improvement in capabilities. But will this create a two tiered system where the less wealthy either only have access to AI driven legal services rather than expensive human lawyers - or, conversely, will the less wealthy have no access to AI that will be owned by the biggest law firms and companies?
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West Stage