Strong Women, Strong World: The End of Poverty Begins with HER
Lani Dolifka Lorraine McMillan Charity Wallace Allison Tummon Kamphuis
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
9:25 AM - 9:50 AM (EDT)

World Vision’s ‘Strong Women, Strong World’ emphasizes the belief that gender equality is key to effective development and creating a peaceful and stable world. Progress won’t happen with half the population held back. For decades World Vision has embarked on long-term development projects, emergency responses and advocacy efforts that enable women and girls to overcome the unique obstacles and barriers they face. Join us to hear what’s next in World Visions’ approach to equip women with the tools they need to thrive….because the end of poverty begins with HER.

World Vision is a 2023 Concordia Annual Summit Lead Programming Partner.

Location Name
East Stage