Advancing America’s Access to Climate Preparedness Tools
Charlene Lake Galen Treuer Kathy Baughman McLeod Ry Rivard
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
4:00 PM - 4:20 PM (EDT)

In our interdependent world, access to the cutting-edge tools and climate projections that improve preparedness for future extremes, must be expanded so we can build resilience to climate change. The Climate Risk and Resilience Portal empowers individuals, governments, and organizations across America with insights into peer-reviewed climate datasets in a non-technical format that can be used to simulate future conditions and explore various strategies for adaptation. How can a range of stakeholders across sectors ensure this data reaches those that need it? What impact will improved access to climate modeling have on policy, planning, and the decision-making of community leaders and public officials? Can data-sharing platforms change the way we collaborate on the global issues of climate change?

AT&T is a 2023 Concordia Annual Summit Patron Programming Sponsor

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East Stage