Sovereign Equity and Diversity: Attracting Global Wealth and Talent
Abazović Dritan Juerg Steffen
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
1:40 PM - 1:55 PM (EDT)

The world is facing unprecedented global risks and challenges — from geopolitical shifts to demographic imbalances, economic dislocation to technological disruption, and the very real impact of climate change, all at the same time. However, the resulting pressure across the spectrum of human migration, from forced displacement to economic migration, also presents a unique opportunity to redistribute human and financial resources according to the geographies of need and opportunity, rather than those defined and limited by national borders.

Countries that need to boost their workforces may integrate and empower people forced to flee their homes. Likewise, those needing to attract entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and innovative investors to maintain and expand their economic development may offer for residency and even citizenship in return for substantial contributions to the economy.

This fireside chat will discuss the most effective mechanisms, strategies, and policies for nations to improve their sovereign equity and diversity in the accelerating global competition for global talent and wealth.

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East Stage