Full Name
Kristie Magee Porcaro
Job Title
Chief Strategy Officer,
Current Employer
Operation Smile
Speaker Bio
Kristie Magee Porcaro is the Chief Strategy Officer at Operation Smile where she manages global strategy, global marketing and communications, gifts-in-kind, integrated direct marketing, U.S. and global partnerships. With a keen eye for strategic development, her team has led the creation of comprehensive 5-year business plans and funding strategies globally for Operation Smile. Her leadership extends to crafting a far-reaching, 10-year strategic roadmap that guides the organization's impactful journey ahead.

Kristie and her team also cultivate new partnerships and corporate social responsibility opportunities to match donors to Operation Smile programs and initiatives. Kristie plays a pivotal role in shaping Operation Smile's global trajectory by contributing to strategic decisions that shape its dynamic landscape and she holds a crucial role in steering its global marketing efforts. With a proactive approach, Kristie helps forge new relationships that not only bolster Operation Smile's visibility but also amplify its impact on a global scale.

Before officially coming aboard to help the organization, she worked at Community Counseling Service Fundraising (CCS) in NYC for five years. At CCS Kristie helped with campaigns with UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, Pace University and Archdiocese of New York. Kristie attended Villanova University in Villanova, PA, and received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She lives in Norfolk, VA, with her husband and three boys.
Kristie Magee Porcaro