Peter Goldwasser - Together for Safer Roads
Catalina Garcia - AB InBev
Safe roads are critical for achieving sustainable development worldwide, affecting issues such as education, economic development, public health, and gender equality, among many others. Yet road safety often goes overlooked, with traffic injuries, fatalities, and poor road conditions continuing to impact broader progress globally. By creating cross-sector partnerships and leveraging the unique strengths each party brings to the table, we can tackle major risk factors and improve road safety around the world. This session will bring together leaders from the private, philanthropic, and NGO sectors to explore how road safety impacts the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how cross-sector partnerships and innovative solutions can help achieve measurable and lasting progress, while highlighting successful programs being implemented today. How can organizations leverage innovative technology to enhance the safety of roads and the communities in which they operate? What will be the role of each sector to tackle risk factors? And, how will technology shape the future of road safety and help achieve the UN SDGs?
AB InBev Foundation is a 2024 Concordia Annual Summit Lead Programming Partner.