LGBTQIA+ Representation in Global Governments: Reflecting on Progress and Shaping the Future
Shereen El Feki - IPPF
Fabrice Houdart - Koppa - the LGBTQ+ Economic Lab
Paolo Rondelli - San Marino
Charles Moran - Log Cabin Republicans
Luanne Peterpaul - Legislative District 11
Fabrice Houdart - Koppa - the LGBTQ+ Economic Lab
Paolo Rondelli - San Marino
Charles Moran - Log Cabin Republicans
Luanne Peterpaul - Legislative District 11

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM (EDT)
Since the first openly LGBTQIA+ head of government took office in 2009, a small but fast-growing group of leaders from this community has emerged. There are of course many more throughout time, marking a hidden feature in world history. In a year of global election supercycle, it is especially important to assess the status of LGBTQIA+ representation and sexual rights around the world and reflect on how new government administrations will shape the future of queer leadership, in both the public and private sectors. Highlighting the significant strides made in recent years, we'll discuss the progress achieved, the challenges ahead, and the crucial role queer individuals have played in driving social change.
Location Name
West Stage