Inclusive Pathways to Prosperity: Reimagining Educational and Workforce Development Models
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 1:55 PM - 2:55 PM
Johana Bahamón Beth Doane Melissa Medina Jamila Gilbert Hector Mujica Carmen Correa Camille Joseph Varlack Andrea Bernal Richard Lui Julian Esteban Rodriguez

As societies evolve and technology transforms industries, understanding how to equip the workforce with the necessary technical and social skills becomes paramount. The intersection of workforce development, youth empowerment, and economic advancement unlocks pathways to a more resilient, inclusive, and prosperous future. Central to this endeavor is the imperative of fostering a skilled workforce through comprehensive education models and innovative training programs. Gender equity must be at the forefront of these efforts, recognizing its pivotal role in promoting diversity and ensuring equal opportunities for all. From implementing cutting-edge educational models to launching skill-building initiatives and mentorship programs, the discussion will delve into the multifaceted approaches required to empower the next generation and underserved communities economically. Moreover, it will underscore the transformative role of arts and culture as catalysts for societal change and innovation in shaping a skilled and adaptable workforce for the future.

Location Name
Lakeside Auditorium
Full Address
University of Miami
1280 Stanford Drive
Lakeside Village
Coral Gables, FL 31146
United States