Alejandra Botero Barco - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF)
Thomas Debass - U.S. Department of State
Vidya Mani - University of Virginia
Himanshu Sikka - IPE Global Limited
Rob Tashima - Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation
Mary Margaret Frank - Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Cooper Miqueli - test
Stephanie Steege - Airlink
Abha Thorat-Shah - British Asian Trust
Rebecca Distler - Patrick J. McGovern Foundation
Miguel Achury - Emprendimientos Productivos para la Paz (Empropaz)
Caitlin Baron - The Luminos Fund

The P3 Impact Award was created by Concordia, the University of Virginia Darden School Institute for Business in Society, and the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Global Partnerships to recognize and honor leading public-private partnerships (P3s) that improve communities and the world. 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the P3 Impact Award and celebrates over 350 applications representing 195 countries and all 17 SDGs. This Strategic Dialogue is the public presentation and final evaluation of the five 2023 P3 Impact Award Finalists, and connects trends and partnering best practices to tangible global partnerships delivering impact around the world. To celebrate a decade of impact, this session will feature a conversation set on key trends over the past 10 years and the role of cross-sectoral collaboration in the future.
The University of Virginia Darden School of Business and the U.S. Department of State are 2023 Concordia Annual Summit Patron Programming Partners.